Next Release information, historical version information, and a To Do list and a Wish List are included in this document.
These are changes coming in the next release:
File Change no changes to date
This release sees the Lite Edition move to version 3.x from 2.45. The Pro and Lite Editions also see a new faqs page, an expanded footer, support for ALL Australian states jurisdictions, an optional contributed "Ad viewed xx times" counter, cosmetic and other changes as below:
File Change UKmap.php updated comments and instructions on how to use subjurisdiction.php modified for new Australian sjAUS.php file sjAUS.php new, contributed by S. Twycross, shows Australian subjurisdictions proCounterCode.txt new, contributed by P. Flores, gives "Ad viewed xx times" functionality premiumBuy.php line 231 changed to: $recipient = $email; search.php cosmetic indexDynamicListings.php line 44 changed to: $goal = "Browse"; same line 45 changed to: $searchType = "Browse"; yellowresult.php support modified to 4.1.0 or higher only - capture or initialization of variables changed link2us.php added textarea and put the link code into it footer.php added faqs.php faqs.php new admin.php removed quick submit in Lite Edition, cosmetics categoryButtons.php new registerResult.php cosmetic change search.php cosmetic change loginResult.php modified for Lite edition showOneRecord.php modified for Lite edition yellowresult.php rewrote Browse module - mostly for the benefit of Lite Edition users categories.php modified default category and how it is determined improveMyListing.php link changes searchForm.php link changes loginResult.php note:line 622 categoryButtons.php oneRecord.php changed COMPANY to ORGANIZATION on line 17
This release sees a new 'Clean Database' module ( available in administration ), enhanced PHP4 security and minor cosmetic changes.
File Change loginForm.php eliminated php notice, added hidden input type for menu, value assigned as 'image' registerForm.php ditto, except value is 'contact' help.php formatting only registerResult.php ditto navMenuContact.php security upgrade navMenuCategory.php ditto navMenuImage.php ditto cookieTheCustomerID.php POST and COOKIE accepted, only installTestPHP.php relaxed php version required to 4.1.0 hello.php added to help with installation testing withheld for security security, part 1 of 2 premiumQuotaFull.php line 26 broken link fixed - old filename ... admin.php added 'Clean Database' module to enable point and click table maintenance adminresult.php ditto contactRecord.php new, for 'Clean Database' module above yellowresult.php formatting changes yellowgoal.php ditto admin.php disabled Check Version in the Lite Edition because there was no way to check both the Pro and Lite independently new.php placed footer.php into a table row for good alignment with the rest of the page
File Change register.php form action calls new file registerUnifiedForm.php registerUnifiedForm.php new registerResult.php modified to combine registration and listing insert in one step registerForm.php note: this is still used, but now only used by loginResult.php and not by register.php several doc files updated documentation for integrating with Paypal /docs/DOCSpayment.php added link for new page docs/DOCSpaymentCCInternet.php new detailed 'How To' instructions for 'Credit Card by Internet' header.php cosmetic only footer.php ditto
File Change premiumPriceChart.php logic bug fixed to show basic listing price chart when INSTAPAY == 'required' is selected yellowresult.php on line 33 added: if($stateprov == "*") {$stateprov = NULL;} registerResult.php suppressed display of sample listing with each new customer yellowresult.php modified to show background image yellow.gif with Detail module
The main new feature of this release is 'Quick Submit'. It lets the administrator take a shortcut when adding new listings by adding both the contact and category records at the same time. This NEW feature is available in the Pro Edition (administration) only.
File Change premiumBuy.php fixed bug where contact data did not show in email note loginResult.php line 356 changed to echo statement navMenuContact.php cosmetic navMenuCategory.php ditto navMenuImage.php ditto howToEnhanceListing.php cosmetic loginResult.php ditto util.php cosmetic comments changed to refer to INSTAPAY admin.php change 'PAIDLISTINGS' to 'INSTAPAY' on line 76, added quick submit feature proQuickSubmit.php added to let administration quickly submit listings proQuickSubmitForm.php added link2us.php removed footer to allow the user to have 100% focus on completing the task before them tellAFriend.php ditto register.php ditto
File Change sjUK.php added Scottish counties index.php optimized title and meta tags for better SEO performance new.php ditto search.php ditto register.php ditto login.php ditto link2us.php ditto tellAFriend.php ditto improveMyListing.php ditto indexDynamicListings.php cosmetic text label premiumListingFirstPage.php dynamic image hspace added, dynamic table td cell width added to improve listing look where no image exists premiumListingPreferred.php ditto premiumListingBasic.php minor cosmetic changes sorry.php added for card processing registerResult.php LOGINPAGE link added for a failed registration due to existing record install sequence fixed bug for new installs premiumListingPreferred.php modified look for image2 if image2 is not present premiumListingFirstPage.php ditto yellow.js removed requirement for firstname and lastname, and country registerResult.php cosmetic wording sjCanadaUSA.php added subjurisdiction.php modified to accept sjCanadaUSA.php howToEnhanceListing.php bgcolor to white loginResult.php added howToEnhanceListing.php to Verify module on login cookiesAbout.php removed class color and added closing ul tag
File Change setListingExpiry.php minor changes only premiumProcessPayment.php ditto util.php ditto premiumBuy.php ditto premiumCheckOut.php ditto
File Change util.php added 'paypal' to GATEWAYPROCESSOR to enable testing in BYPASSCARDPROCESSOR mode yellowgoal.php removed footer.php from modules for cosmetics password.php removed javascript error checking and removed footer from password tellAFriend.php fixed form action. This form should call itself premiumBuyForm.php fixed 'monthsGoodFor' variable
File Change loginResult.php functional upgrades mostly for enhancing the sales aspect helpCategoryMenu.php updated helpContactMenu.php ditto helpImageMenu.php ditto categoryForm.php added more help for purchasing listings insta-Pay.gif created, used in howToEnhanceListing.php howToEnhanceListing.php created, included in 2 places to loginResult.php cookiesAbout.php changed background color navMenuContact.php added images and changed presentation layout, highlighted active menu navMenuCategory.php ditto navMenuImage.php ditto edit.gif created in /appimage delete.gif ditto browseImage.gif ditto seeListings.gif ditto loginResult.php added more customer instructions header.php, footer.php added 'Add a FREE link' login.php customer instructions changed register.php customer instructions changed
+ added more documentation for subjurisdictions in the Developer Guide + fixed access bug in premiumBackup.php, modified other code in this file + modified premiumBackTemplate.php and premiumBackupTemplate2.php to also backup newly added table fields + registerResult.php modified handling of duplicate email addresses - none allowed enforced by php code and database checks + added SUBJURISDICTION 'USACanada' to subjurisdiction.php, and created 'sjUSACanada.php' + modified premiumFirstPageListing.php and premiumPreferredListing.php
+ added support for regions, example sub-jurisdictions like USA states, Canadian provinces, UK counties, World anything > manageForm.php, registerForm.php, premiumSearchForm.php, util.php all updated for sub-jurisdictions + added self expiring help file published with each registered account + upgraded variable initialization to use a version compare and conditional execution.
Insta-PayTM instant payment module 'all new' install script page which automatically builds and customizes your return link code expanded description column easily take all pages on or offline new customer interface with 'Snap-to' results two more images available and bound to a single category listing more super global updates File Change countries.php non functional code style change to internal code adminOnly.php cosmetic link to DreamRiver download file footer.php added link for search.php header.php ditton premiumSearchForm.php added primaryField radio button for category to force selection of category, if desired yellowresult.php modified search setListingExpiryDate.php added to consolidate date assignments found in various modules premiumProcessPayment.php modified for date consolidation premiumBuy.php ditto adminresult.php ditto premiumFeatureListing.php modified how feature logo was determined start on line 74: if (file_exists( $featureImage )) { categories.php superglobals update adminresult.php ditto yellowresult.php ditto yellowgoal.php ditto loginForm.php ditto addForm.php ditto
This release is to fix a bug in the Free Edition "Send a Comment" module. The Premium edition was not affected.
File Change yellowgoal.php, yellowresult.php reimported from the sample website. yellowgoal.php $customerid = !isset($customerid)?NULL:$_REQUEST['customerid']; // added on line 22
This is another minor Premium release to bring code in step with new php variable capture/initialization. File Change yellowgoal.php intialized or captured $goal at beginning of page - newer php versions would not correctly send a message categories.php initialized or captured $category variable line 5 : $category = !isset($category)?"Select a category":$HTTP_POST_VARS['category']; premiumBuyForm.php fixed typo in x_login where underscore characters were not present
This is a minor release. Fixed an insert bug in the Standard free Edition (unaffected in Premium Edition). Other miscellaneous changes as below.
File Change adminresult.php include("premiumQuotaFull.php"); // file name change line 166 categoryForm.php email duplicated deleted, added $customer_password line 111 yellowgoal.php $goal = !isset($goal)?NULL:$HTTP_POST_VARS['goal']; // line 12 initialize addForm.php variables line 172 yellowresult.php $goal = $_REQUEST['goal']; // capture or initialize the goal variable line 31 admin.php changed Instant Destroy results to target popup window easysql.php $query = stripslashes($query); // added to line 111, changed version to 1.6 phpyellowpageslogo.gif added phpbook.gif added to footer.php
This very minor upgrade includes fixes for a couple of glitches as below, and upgrades for files only used with the Premium Edition:
File Change premiumProcessPayment.php Worldpay paid listings updated addForm.php modified 4.1.2 handling of variables priceChart.php cosmetic change only admin.php fixed broken phpinfo() link (only broken when usingVersion 2.41 Released June 10, 2002
This relatively minor upgrade was to make phpYellow Pages run more smoothly on Microsoft IIS Web server. Variables were accepted from $HTTP_POST_VARS['foo'] or initialized to NULL in many pages. phpYellow Pages error_reporting with E_ALL will result in very few E_NOTICE warnings. E_NOTICE should be turned off for production serving.Version 2.40 Released June 8, 2002
PHP version compatibility additions are the major change in this release. All php versions 4.04 or higher are supported, including the newer 4.2.0 using superglobals and updated file upload security code. Also included is support for paid Basic listings in the Premium edition.
New pages are also added for instructions on How To Make phpYellow Pages Work with various payment gateway processors. The instructions are available to everyone. The functionality of paid listings will work in the paid Premium Edition only.adminresult.php added Instant Destroy admin.php premiumGoButton.php changed button text label util.php supports all paid listings, plus the files below ... premiumListingBasic.php goPremium.php premiumCheckout.php premiumProcessPayment.php premiumPriceChart.php categoryForm.php categories.php 4.1.2 upgrade, plus the files below ... findRecordLike.php manageForm.php backNextControlsForm.php changed line 13 to read the variable name of 'citytofind' example: name="citytofind" many files upgraded to pass PHP 4.2.0 E-All error checking free of any notices yellowresult.php changed to support pre and post PHP4.1.2 file upload methods premiumImageUpload412.php new premiumImageUpload404.php new phpinfo.php modified admin access method premiumExportEmailList.php ditto premiumBackup.php ditto easysql.php minor upgrades yellow.css added favcolor class definition admin.php changed top image yellowresult.php near line 411 should be: $goPremiumUrl = INSTALLPATH . "goPremium.php"; version 2.34 to be included in this release version 2.33 to be included in this releaseVersion 2.34 Released April 25, 2002
A CMS Bridge change, administrative logout capability and some minor changes are introduced in this release.File Change cms_bridge/sync_user.php cms bridge modification adminOnly.php added administrative Log Out capability adminLogOut.php new admin.php phpinfo link changed to post method index.php FEATURELISTING changed to FEATURELISTINGNUMBER on line 51Version 2.33 Released April 14, 2002
This version sees an important security update for the php4 logo upload issue as well as new support for sessions while using administration.File Change admin.php added php 4 session support for administration adminLogin.php new adminLoginForm.php new adminOnly.php new easysql.php added php 4 session support for administration adminresult.php added php 4 session support for administration yellowresult.php upgraded logo upload code to meet new standard addForm.php upgraded algorithm used to determine IP addressVersion 2.32 Released March 20, 2002
Version 2.32 affects the Premium Edition only. No changes were made to the Standard Edition 2.30. The noteworthy Premium Edition changes include user selectable results display length (results on one line or complete detail results), colored scroll bars, the addition of support for Paypal paid listings, configurable currency symbols [for non $ currency usage] and other changes as below:File Change yellow.css introduced colored scroll bars (IE only feature) /docs/DOCScustomize.html customization details updated yellowresult.php added support for selectable display length - complete or on one line with a link to details premiumSearchForm.php ditto backNextControlsForm.php ditto util.php ditto indexDynamicListings.php ditto premiumBuyForm.php added support for configurable currency symbol premiumBuy.php ditto util.php ditto premiumProcessPayment.php ditto - for email notification indexDynamicListings.php modified to simplify customer changes to appearanceVersion 2.31
Version 2.31 was released to a limited number of paid customers only who were requiring customization of phpYellow Pages Premium. They were provided with the latest version and then that was customized further.Version 2.30 Released February 22, 2002
This version sees the introduction of "Get Map" for the Premium edition. The map feature links a customer's record to the Mapquest database, which shows a map of exactly where the customer is located. A bridge has also been built [by Bob] to integrate all phpYellow editions with PWS. $basicListingExpiry is now added to the free Standard edition. Major cosmetic and structural modifications were made throughout the application. Do NOT upgrade to this version unless you are prepared to remake your look and feel on the new pages. Make a backup first. There are too many changes to detail here.
File Change all structural and cosmetic changes to most all files docs/DOCSlicense.html a return link is now required oneRecord.php updated to enable display of the Get Map feature for the Premium edition only index.php major structural, internal changes in how data is displayed with included files misc. files CMS integration for PWS, including update of affected files db:areacode varchar(7) changed database area code field to handle international values addForm.php now handles international area code values UKcounties.php added. For use in the UK to replace country select [drop down] list with UK counties premiumSearchForm.php added to replace advancedSearchForm.php advancedSearchForm.php no longer used, replaced. indexDynamicListings.php added to show dynamic indexes for Premium AND Standard editions featureListing.php no longer used, replaced by indexDynamicListings.php various /docs updated and expanded documentation files yellow.js modified data required by client side javascript to be only email and password, added customization instructions highlight.php cosmetics changed exampleRecord.php added to show user new listing in example highlight mode easysql.php removed FORMBACKGROUND, no longer used footer.php rewrote CONSTANT usage for NT header.php rewrote CONSTANT usage for NT premiumPriceChart.php replaces priceChart.php with display changes priceChart.php replaced by premiumPriceChart.php yellowresult.php Add Category, Update category modules modified for text concerning images, no real functional change tellafriend.php subtle text display changes goPremium.php replaces upgrade.php, with minor text modifications "logo" to "image" upgrade.php replaced by goPremium.php util-dist.php $basicListingExpiryVersion 2.24 for limited custom installs only
Version 2.24 was released to a limited number of paid customers only who were requiring customization of phpYellow Pages Premium. They were provided with the latest version and then that was customized further.Version 2.23 Released January 7th, 2002
The Premium version 2.22 is unchanged. This release contains a fix for a bug found in the Standard 2.22 edition only. The premium Edition is NOT affected.Version 2.22 Released January 1st, 2002
This is a major release with all files affected. Contains significant new features including:
File Action docs/DOCSpaidListings.html new adminresult.php added new premium module docsInstallNotes.html updated exportEmailList.php new manageForm.php updated for new state field adminGoalControls.php modified to post method for going to admin checkout.php removed email from displaying featureListing.php ditto adminViewQueueForm.php reenabled support for managing queued listings yellowgoal.php added support for stealth email to prevent spammers from reaching listers commentForm.php ditto oneRecord.php removed display of email addresses countries.php stopped "*" and "All Countries" from showing in Add backNextControlsForm.php added area code advancedSearchForm.php changed state input type, added area code for narrow results with modifier yellow.js removed state code addForm.php changed the state field from a select list to a text input type yellowresult.php added support for basic listing expiry, modified logo insert and update code misc documentation updated miscellaneous documentation files in the /phpYellow/docs folder advancedSearchForm.php dec22 fixed bug which was reporting all, rather than nonexpired and aproved listings adminresult.php modified to support change of category while using 'Set CKEY Parameters' admin tool categories.php stopped the "*" category from being selected in a new listing util.php added support for changing expiration date for basic listings yellowresult.php ditto upgradeForm.php renamed some variables to integrate with admin and user initiated launches yellowgoal.php removed and updated modules oneRecord.php added four icons to the standard oneRecord.php display, placed ALL application images into the new /phpYellow/appimage folder, visitors logos will use /phpYellow/userlogo instead. yellowresult.php modified highlight module upgrade.php updated content paymentSpecialMessage.php added this to make the payment process clear - special message from website owner possible yellow.js eased the level of javascript form object validation for the addForm.php to make things easier for a lister all /docs files updated and included new Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] page yellowresult.php Netscape 4.76 backwards compatibility changes yfrecord.php featuredListing.php oneRecord.php advancedSearchForm.php index.php new.php added new and newly updated listings page footer.php ditto header.php ditto adminresult.php changed sort order for 'Manage Listings' in Admin Center
This version sees the introduction of images for the Premium version only. A different image may be shown with every listing. Also, for the free and paid versions popup administration windows are added. Normally shunned by users, the popup has found a home here in administration because it is set to automatically display each message AND automatically close after POPUPTIMEOUT milliseconds. You may change POPUPTIMEOUT in util.php. Payment module and miscellaneous upgrades also exist in this version as detailed below:
File Action adminSetStatusControls.php popup windows for administration - they automatically close after their message is displayed. admin.php adminresult.php adminGoalControls.php logo support addForm.php adminresult.php admingoalcontrols.php adminOneRecord.php buy.php featureListing.php footer.php highlightRecord.php loginForm.php oneRecord.php util.php util-dist.php yellow.js yellowresult.php yellowresult.php payment module upgrade buy.php buyForm.php processPayment.php checkout.php paymentInstructions.php other miscellaneous installSecurity.php added button for a 'Launch tips on how to customize' page netscape.css changed look and feel advancedSearchForm.php changed look and feel - removed some rows to improve Netscape rendering header.php changed look and feel - removed style class
Version 2.20 is a MAJOR release with ALL files affected. Key changes include the introduction of browser detection in both the Standard and Premium versions. The browser detection is linked to serving different .css files for different browsers. More information is available in the online phpYellow Pages Developer's Guide. Also, a brand new installation script really makes installing a breeze - even faster than before! While all files are affected, following are some specific changes:
File Action install.html Wow! Load this file in your browser and your phpYellow installation is as easy as pie. all page level added browser detection via javascript with customizable css file invocations in yellow.js checkout.php added functionality for optional live phone connect or live web chat during customer purchase of a paid listing documentation updated most documentation files contained within the /docs folder SearchForm added table formatting Premium version to improve appearance in Netscape browsers admin.php minor functionality changes, including direct link to dreamriver mailto for paid customers login.php removed dynamic reference to logos upgrade.php simple formatting changes footer.php modified with 2 links: one link points to the Developer's Guide, the other points to Dreamriver index.php added two shockwave Flash movies to the search page SearchForm line breaks dynamically expand to accomodate dynamic category numbers login.php repointed email note for edit exactly to login.php rather than the default home page for phpYellow Pages yellow.js added functionality for optional live chat during customer purchase of a paid listing checkout.php changed input box from text to password buy.php added functionality for optional live phone connect or live web chat during customer purchase of a paid listing tellafriend.php changed page alignment and minor functionality
Version 2.11 contains very MINOR code upgrades, along with expanded documentation in the Developer's Guide.
Version 2.10 is a MAJOR upgrade release for the Premium version. Key new features include Feature Listing! and NEW Index Every Search, along with an expanded payment module for Premium Paid Listings. More details are available on Dreamriver's Fatpipe Digital Download showcase.
The free Standard version saw a couple of code upgrades to enhance cosmetic effect, along with one bug fix for a wrong file invocation - spotted and fixed earlier on the online forum by users :)
Version 2.04 contains a new tax module intended for use with the payment module.
Version 2.03 marks the integration of multiple database tables into the standard version. Also, the front end is improved in the standard version with the addition of the new Click By Category feature.
An installation file also appears in version 2.03 which will help upgrade an old installation or swiftly implement a new installation. The same install.php file works for both Standard and Premium versions. This file should be deleted from the web server after use.
A minor upgrade in version 2.03 is implementation wide support for local PC implementation. A default localhost util-dist.php file is included. This enables you to run phpYellow Pages locally, on your own machine, if you also have installed mysql, php and web server software, all freely available.
This version uses "traditional" php code. NO classes or objects are used in this code. This makes it easier for developers, students and beginners to easily change the code to match your needs.
In general, any version upgrade should totally replace existing files, except of course for any database table data.
Version 2.0 marks a significant change in the features, options and code within phpYellow Pages. The version 2.0 PAID features are vastly exanded. This includes a payment system for premium listings, preview of new listings prior to publication, multi-category submissions per each listing, many more table fields and other significant structural and functional changes. An installation script does much of the installation for you, although some configuration and file transfer is required.
The following changes were made to older versions of phpYellow Pages. They are included here for archive reasons - you shouldn't need them as you _should_ be running the latest version of the software.
The following changes have been made to the download package at: February 27, 2001 Start of Version 1.1 UPGRADE Version Change from 1.062 to 1.1 Note: This is a substantive upgrade with many cosmetic and functional changes. FILE ACTION yrecord.php3 removed because of code changes provinces added commented out Javascript to require a valid province or state selection. Must be uncommented to work. countries added javascript to require a valid country selection in add or edit mode categories added javascript to require a valid category selection in Add or Edit mode. util-dist.php3 modified for Premium many files cosmetic changes ysearchagain.php3 modified for premium version yellowresult.php3 modified for premium version backNextControlsForm.php3 modified hidden variables license.txt minor changes to license.txt - including phpYellow application name, dates. backNextControlsForm.php3 added new form to enhance navigational features for results: Back, Next ysearchagain.php3 reformatted easysql.php3 fixed double empty line insert so caret focus remains in character 1 location of query textarea box yfadmin-record.php3 changed form property method to "get" from "post" to enable Netscape access. Replaced all single quote html entities with double quotes yellowresult.php3 the "Click for next results" incorrectly used category as an argument. It has been changed to "ycategory" - and then replaced by the backNextControlsForm.php3 December 11, 2000 Start of Version 1.062 UPGRADE Version Change from 1.061 to 1.062 Note: this version is a Netscape upgrade version. Netscape users can now access Admin. Also, displayed formatting works somewhat better in Netscape, but worse in IE. FILE ACTION header.php3 validation cleanup - brought files closer to meeting strict w3c standards admin-login.php3 ditto footer.php3 ditto admin.php3 phototop anchor fix for Netscape (NS). yellow.css changed th selector properties, added .small class for NS. Added H4 selector. yfrecord.php3 changed size to small to look better in NS. yellowresult.php3 changed the dynamic search heading on line 234 from th to h4 and added new .css selector for it. This is a NS fix. END OF VERSION 1.062 UPGRADE November 19, 2000 Start of Version 1.061 UPGRADE Version Change from 1.06 to 1.061 FILE ACTION util-dist.php3 added a missing semi colon on about line 25 here: define("SHOWSQL", "no" );data[9];" omission bug. Caused by commented out code block. Bug affected administration 'Find Record Like' and 'Set-Rank' display of records only. Did NOT affect record database integrity. dev-mess.php3 refreshed message admin.php3 added link to phpFD File Downloader live demo & tour yellowadd_form.php3 changed categories, provinces and countries to included files for easier customization yadmin-manage.php3 ditto ysearchagain.php3 ditto yellowedit_form.php3 ditto provinces.php3 added countries.php3 added categories.php3 added yellowresult.php3 deleted commented out code for $yfphone admin.php3 the reference to dreamriver website links have been moved to & /resources/submit.php END OF Version 1.06 UPGRADE November 03, 2000: START OF VERSION 1.051 UPGRADE Version Change from 1.05 to 1.051 FILE ACTION adminresult.php3 upgraded setRank functionality, extended FindARecord to 100 results, refined admin manage result order by yfadmin-record.php3 added yfcategory hidden variable, reformatted form 4 files added more categories. Affected yellowadd_form, yellowedit_form, yadmin-manage, ysearchagain. Deleted unused categories. yellowresult.php3 added 'ORDER BY customerid DESC' to display the most recent listing first END OF VERSION 1.051 UPGRADE October 26, 2000: START OF VERSION 1.05 UPGRADE Version Change from 1.042 to 1.05 FILE ACTION adminresult.php3 removed database close functions - also in most files util-dist.php3 added multiline commenting as a precaution yellowresult.php3 included test for magicquotes and if absent then use of addslashes() for insert and update yellowedit_form.php3 in cellular field yellowadd_form.php3 ditto admin.php3 phpinfo() added to Setup section phpinfo.php3 added yellowresult.php3 mail() 4th argument use: added mail headers: replyto, from, xmailer - tests great! easysql.php3 Re: EasySQL misreported result fix - deferred to future new app release all static viewable php re-optimized title, meta tags and first paragraph How to Upgrade: 1. save a copy of your existing util.php3 file on your local machine 2. create a new directory on your local machine for the new phpYellow files 3. download and extract the new version upgrade files into your new directory 4. Paste your existing util.php3 file into util-dist.php3 : CONSTANTS only, everything above the '/* END OF CONSTANT DECLARATIONS */' line, 5. Save the new util-dist.php3 as util.php3 6. ftp upload the new directory of files into your existing phpYellow installation, overwriting all existing files. 7. do a test add, edit, search and delete to make sure all is well- see your Admin module for support options END OF VERSION 1.05 UPGRADE October 13, 2000: START OF VERSION 1.042 UPGRADE Version Change from 1.041 to 1.042 FILE ACTION yfadmin-record consolidated smart controls and formatted appearance adminresult.php3 sql order by is now in descending order - newest listing is first yellowresult.php3 added clickable update link in email notification sent to webmaster so you can get to edit new records more easily admin.php3 the admin link to changeLog.txt now points to the most recent copy on Dreamriver, not to the aging bundled distribution files ---> security.txt, install.txt, readme.txt reviewed and updated ---> added addslashes() and stripslashes() as needed to yellowgoal,yellowresult, adminresult.php3 util.php3 modified function Installation Note: when replacing util.php3 for this upgrade you only need to: a) open util-dist.php3 b) copy all the code starting where it says "// Web enabled version checking" up to and including the end of the file c) paste the copied code into the corresponding section in util.php3 - essentially everything at the bottom d) upload util.php3 and all the other files to the server. END OF VERSION 1.042 UPGRADE October 11, 2000: START OF VERSION 1.041 UPGRADE Version Change from 1.03 to 1.041 Version Note: this version fixes reported bugs of a serious nature in version 1.03. For details see below: FILE ACTION adminresult.php3 removed one layer of data validation for user add, edit, delete and Administration Add, Edit and Delete yellowresult.php3 ditto, plus removed all quotemeta util-dist.php3 updated the version number, modified the verify() function dev-mess.php3 rewrote developers message END OF VERSION 1.041 UPGRADE October 10, 2000: START OF VERSION 1.03 UPGRADE Version Change from 1.02 to 1.03 Version Note: this version is "mostly cosmetic". There were no reported bugs of a serious nature in version 1.02. See below for details: FILE ACTION admin.php3 added "Setup" heading for table column, photo, and new Heading links and #photoTop named anchor all with submit buttons added new .css class selector for colored submit buttons, removed select .css formnav classes in same yadmin-manage.php3 added #photoTop named anchor to page all viewable php files upgraded and integrated the title, meta keyword and meta description html elements to improve search engine rankings yellow.css created a new class selector and named it "ivory" - used first on admin.php3 admin.php3 added a viewable version number under the "Support" heading so you know what version of phpYellow you have - without opening util.php3 passwordresult.php3 deleted yellowgoal.php3 copied password processing into this for improved security, code review and cleanup adminresult.php3 code review and cleanup yellowresult.php3 code review and cleanup including use of quotemeta() END OF VERSION 1.03 UPGRADE September 26, 2000: START OF VERSION 1.02 UPGRADE Version Change from 1.01 to 1.02 Version Note: Version 1.02 is an enhancement version. There were no reported bugs in Version 1.01 to date FILE ACTION :util-dist.php3 HOSTSERVER constant reset to "" to enable easysql.php3 to test for it :easysql.php3 added :admin.php3 added functionality for easysql including link :testdb.php3 added link to easysql.php3 :install.txt updated for easysql process September 24, 2000 FILE ACTION : install.txt added comments about customization of categories : admin.php3 made several cosmetic changes to text : ysearchagain.php3 replaced all double quote marks with single quote marks in field values to assist in category customization, also added php comment to show where customization can start in each of the 4 files ysearchagain, yellowadd_form, yellowedit_form and yadmin-manage.php3 : yellowadd_form.php3 ditto : yellowedit_form.php3 ditto : yadmin-manage.php3 ditto : admin-login.php3 javascript upgrade to set focus to form on body load : password.php3 ditto javascript upgrade END OF VERSION 1.02 UPGRADE September 21, 2000 START OF VERSION 1.01 UPGRADE Version Change from 1.0 to 1.01 a) This version change fixed a results display problem with users searching phpYellow with Netscape browsers. b) Minor cosmetic facelifts are included. c) The fix for the delete bug as mentioned in the support forum is included. d) Files affected: most files have been modified since the last version. A complete upgrade to the latest version is warranted. Complete this upgrade by ftping the newest files to your webserver. NOTE: To avoid unnecessary work and to avoid overwriting your configuration util.php3 file, open it up and paste in this code block over the existing block: // Web enabled version checking define("PRODUCTNAME", "phpYellow"); // DO NOT CHANGE. define("INSTALLVERSION", "1.01"); // DO NOT CHANGE. // Reserved for Premium Yellow Service // DO NOT CHANGE. // END OF CONSTANT DECLARATIONS The only significant change to the util.php3 file is the version number, used in version checking. The current version number is 1.01 . This simple change in pasting the code block above saves you the time of rewriting the entire util.php3 configuration file on ftp upload. The remaining new files should, of course, also be uploaded. END OF VERSION 1.01 UPGRADE // Preview Release Only - NOT INCLUDED IN ZIP FILE - under evaluation at Start of Version 1.1 UPGRADE - PREVIEW RELEASE Version Change from 1.1 to 1.12 FILE ACTION easysql.php modified line 204 affected_rows function to use linkidentifier, not result, as changed in php release mysql_affected_rows util.php addition and restructuring of constants to improve paid version tellAFriend.php added yellow_edit.php description field size change yellow_add.php description field size change easysql.php altered table to increase description to varchar(255) easysql.php altered table field to: ycategory varchar(50) to allow larger categories yellow.js suppressed fax, added better error handling backupTemplate.php added NEW backup utility for Premium version backup.php added admin.php updated for new backup yellowadd_form.php updated for multi category adds yellowresult.php updated util-Premium.php updated advertise.php updated // end of Preview Release changes
in the install script the script should attempt to create a database: > Ok! Sorry for being so stupid but I did not see the instructions before and > thought your script created the database as well. SUPPRESS HTML IN DESCRIPTION I\'ve been noticing a few of my basic listers are putting their website links in the description field. To get around this, I\'ve put some verbiage on the registration page that mentions anyone wishing to place their website link in the description will need to upgrade to a preferred or premium listing and that links in basic listings will be removed. It might be an idea if it\'s possible to work in some kind of validation checking within the registration form that checks to see if a link has been added to a basic listing (i.e. perhaps check for \"www\" or \"https://\" or even \".com\" or whatever) and, if so, refuse the listing until that text is removed. > [Image Menu] Company logo: isn\'t shown when already uploaded. > Users could find this confusing ;) > Yes, I was not concerned with the search results for the USER, it was still > showing up in the control panel of the person who listed it. It looks like > the administrator has to go in and set an ad as "expired". > > I now have a cron running that is a nice perl script to automatically > notify the lister via email 1 week before the ad will expire, also notify > them the day it actually expires that the ad has been deleted and it also > deletes the ad from the database on the expiration day. when you get the confirmation or when you approve the listing = > you cant see the business description or the category. > Is there a place or report I can generate that gives me list of > registered user accounts, with or without basic or paid listings? > can you tell me how I can use the Multilanguage-Version for my = > Premium-Version? I only need the german languages file and maybe the = > english. I have download the mulitlanguage version too, but I don`t know = > how I can use the languages files. Recurring payment Expanded quotaFull handling - email notification
does PHPYellow track any sort of statistics regarding how many times a listing has appeared, or been selected for a detail view, etc.? > 2) When clients login and view their listings in their category menu it > doesn't flag or indicated which ones are premium or front page on the > screen. This could avoid users trying to select say a frontpage listing > and trying to update it to frontpage status again when they really want > to update one of their other listings. > (maybe a htmlcode check function to allow custom tags like b ul etc... for the \"Description\" field only?). logic for image uploads for the 2 new category images. can either the Lite or Premium versions be used on a WAP site? and results displayed in .wml docs via php ? > how hard would it be to ad a little "this ad has been viewed xxx times" script? I was thinking... what if I have results on all searches list just a few record fields... then it clicks to the whole record (which includes the file that gets counted as a hit or view) so only the whole record view gets counted. > May be you need add an option to edit and add categories via webpage multiple listing payment in checkout - more than one listing at a time 1) User language(s): a) for the beginning: German b) later a selective multi lingual approach would be necessary (= advertiser can place the same add in several languages – the internet search user can choose his language to view the ads) 2) Privacy mail: the advertiser can choose if he wishes to activate the privacy mail feature 3) Categories: a) Each category needs the option for a different set of data fields (i.e. automotive, jobs, insurance, business opportunities, real estate etc.) to accommodate the different objectives for the offer b) the search parameters in each should be accordingly different 4) Photos: The advertiser should be able to choose if he wants to publish photos with the advert and how many, which is important for the pricing 5) URL the advertisers should decide if he wants to publish his URL, which is important for pricing 6) Multiple ads: advertiser wishes to place several adverts a) possibility to import from a structured data sheet (.xls, etc.) or text file (.txt, .doc, etc.) b) import gateway to other internet programs i.e. Multiple Listing Service with realtors 7) User help: is there a possibility to write help texts for various functions 8) Payment - necessary are the following features a) international Credit Card processing in multiple countries b) automatic renewing charge function c) export of data in order to submit charge orders to the bank 9) Various charge options: a) distinction between private and commercial advertiser b) charge plans (1) general (default) charge plan (2) option of predefined charge plans (3) individual charge plan per customer c) promotions i.e. (1) every advert placed in June gets one month free of charge (2) first three months free of charge (3) place 2 adverts, third free etc. d) additional charge parameters i.e. (1) charge for adverts with photo(s) (2) charge for own URL-link (3) charge for extra visibility (4) charge for priority ranking etc. ======================== Have you created anything like directory listing program that displays complete pages for each entry? Also is it possible to > make a different feature listing for each category. My dream is a search form searches everything by default with > no need to select Keyword or Company, and a search that searches the > first and last names. I continue to hope. > I thinking about maximizing revenue stream from paid > Yellow Pages. Below is description of functionality > which could maximalize revenue for every Yallow Pages > I think. > > I. There should be more premium listing types in > Yellow Pages which affects search results. All result > is for practice areas (which is just your category) > > 1. First for whole US (will be most expensive). For > each of practice areas only one purchase is allowed. > So only one lawyer or lawyers company could purchase > Fist in whole US for persion. This will appers always > first in search result. Border of first in US will be > three frames. > > 2. First for whole State. For each practice ares (your > category) and for each state only one could be > purchased. In search result this will appers second > after first in US if first in US exists for practice > area (your category). If there is no first in US for > practice area first in State will apper first. Border > of first in State will be two frames. > > 3. First for whole County (you could add county fild > to database) - only one for county could be purchased. > Work the same as 1 and 2 exept will appers third in > first in US and state exist. Will appers second if one > of first in US or State exists. Will appers first if > first in US and State do not exist. Border of first in > County will be in very bold frame. > > 4. First for City. - only one for City could be > purchased. Works at 1,2 and 3. Only one could be > purchased for practice area (your category) for City. > Will appers after County. Will be 4 if exists US, > State and County. Will be 3 if exist two from US,State > and County. Will be 2 if exist one from US,State and > County. Will be first if there is now US, State or > County purchsed. Border of first in County will be in > middle bold frame. > > 5. Premium Listing will be in frame. Unlimited number > could be purchased for practice area (your category). > Will be displayed after 1,2,3,4 from nearlest to > farest insite Premium listing from zip code. > > 6. Basic listing without frame. Unlimited number could > be purchased for practice area (your category). Will > be displayed after all Premium listing and from > nearlest to farest from zip code. > > Comment to 5 and 6. Zip code will work insite premium > and basic listing so all premium listings will be > displayed before basic leasting even if particural > premium record will be farrer from zip code then > record in Basic listings. > > II. Little change to payment. In payment should be > amount limit for which customer can use credit card. > For example if amount of bill will be greater then > $200 customer must use differen payment that credit > card(to big for credit card proccessing) so credit > card check box will be unavailabe (or gray) with > comment then total amount is more then $200 so we do > not accept crdit card for bigger amount then $200. > This could be system variable so it could be set to > another amount easily like $300 or another. > > * comment system. People should be able to write comments on certain > companies (comments should also have the possibility to be reviewed first) > * html field for paid listings (so paid listings can insert some html text > in their ad) > * improve admin interface. > * themes ? Can you custome make a copy of PHP-Yellowpages for me with a review this site feature and a 5 star, rate this site feature? if so can it be with a registration for visitors who then would place there comment and to be able to rate the site. as far as would be e-mailed to the owner of the ad so that they can respond to the poster by e-mail. This feature should have cookies so that only one post per visitor. give the option of sending another image with a second ad, 4. Add pager field Editing: 1. Only display the one that you look for. This is a special case. Normally, as a business owner, you only own one or two businesses. However, when I do database import, I have to assign them all to me. Therefore I may own thousands of businesses and it will be a long list to sort through. I have to go to the back end, and edit it at the table level. Interface: 3. Highlight the category that has new entries since the last time (day/week) 4. Display the last time the business was updated (is it in the lastupdate field of contact?) Data model: 1. Add a field to records the business Configuration: 1. business submittion should be on pending until approved by administrator to prevent from bad entry. It should be configurable when log in as admin. Integration: Ideally we would want to have paid listings and a way for the client to make coupons with your system.. like > 5. Does it have business review feature? I want user > to be able to rate the company's service. 1) Create one function for updating feature listing in the ADMIN Option. 2) Create one table for register visitors (B2C) that want to receive emails campaign. 3) Create one function for sending emails campaign: Visitors (B2C), Company (B2B). > What do you think about parsing data from a large yellow pages database like > Infousa? Then adding the results after my results. > Offer during the installation process a list of (say 200) possible fields - > with check box options - that the installer can select/deselect and then it > writes the category list for them. Just a thought. > > Also, on the "wish list", I'd really LOVE to see sub-categories! Do you foresee a mass e-mail submit feature?? Would be great if the admin could e-mail all non paying businesses, reminding them of premium options.. I think it would be great to send out a reminder a > week or so before ad expiration. subcategories email activation link for new listing submissions convert Premium version to Multilingual more separation between admin update from user update database abstraction layer
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